Thursday, May 28, 2015

Grade 5 Song Writing Winners

What a month. I'm so impressed by my grade 5's clever, funny, creative and well performed compositions. This song project asked for a short song based on known chords, a simple progression and attention to matching voice and rhythm with instrumentation. Secondly, I asked for lyrics that stayed on topic.
Though ALL of the students works were just terrific, the component of audience appreciation was taken into account. Out of the 12 songs completed, these three won the popular vote. You can hear why!

First place goes to Donuts Delux funky rhythms, clever story and super collaboration by the three boys. Well done!

Stay tuned for recordings of Ice Cream, Boom Boom Boom and Dill Pickles

Friday, May 8, 2015

Oh Canada

I have to say how surprised I was that our primaries could deliver the National Anthem so splendidly. It's a tough tune for 5 year-olds! Many adults don't know it...all the way through. I think they present it with just the right sentiment. What do you think?
You can download it right Here

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Grade 5 Riffs

Grade 5's composed some short pieces. Only requirements were that they be done on uke and have a repeating riff or motif.
These boys approached the composition in a unique way, they developed the idea then presented it as a cannon or round. Great idea and won a popular vote as best selection.

You can listen to their piece Dragons right



This musician went solo and wrote a popular idea in which Bminor and D chords alternated three times and followed up with a bluesy scale. You can download her tune 'Spring at Last' Right HERE

At last I got a chance to record the 3rd of the top entries... no title so we'll call it:
AbreKenPaige! You can listen to it  HERE