Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Recorder Recording

Grade 2     makes it's first ever WWW Debut! Can't imagine life without Hot Cross Buns, good 'ole HCB. That icon of three note tunes never gets stale. There's actually quite a bit to it: 4 measures, 17 sounds, quarter notes, half notes and eighth notes, ABA phrase form not to mention playing with 20 others and holding it all together after 1 hour of instruction. So...well done grade 2! Congratulations on learning your very first melody on the recorder. Here it is, recorded as is:

Hot Cross Buns

Now on to the      Fabulous grade 3's    . We're playing with two hands as of early this month.  That means we're playing the full D Major scale.  Is it ever great to have access to the thousands of melodies possible with the full Major scale! We recorded two today. The first is Mozart's

"Ah Je Vous Dirais Maman"....the theme from his variations. Better Known as Twinkle Twinkle (DEAD LINK) star. It features low D, E and F#::
But we are not merely sedate classical parlour musicians...have a listen/dance/toe tap/air guitar (or air recorder) to
Recorder Rocks

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